Photos from the Yellowknife drive
In the summer of 2003, I broke with my long avoidance of air travel so that
I could first help my brother Sasha move from BehchokÇ«̀, in the Northwest
2 weeks ago
Ah, finally, the coyote's TRUE calling comes out...he, too, is a poet.
Just don't laugh too loudly, coyote. Not yet.
Ya think? Just maintaining my coyote mystique, Nonny.
Coyote, when did all you ESI poets have that doggerel fest?
I tried to find the posting in the archives but couldn't track it down.
Nothing but his pawprints remain,
Shallow, temperate,
Leaving broken grass
That will wilt, die, then rise again
Perhaps that's Buddhist imagery, dear old woman. Maybe Coyote was leaving some karma behind in the wake of his destruction.
Oh, yes, the Martinis with Dude thread where Coyote got something very unfortunate started with:
Candy is dandy...
The Dude has 'tude.
Ah yes, the Dude.
Well, on that very topic...
For those of us close to the pirate, or the dwarf, or the dwarf-like pirate, OR for those not close at all, but who have figured out connections that might frazzle a normal person's brain:
I find it MIGHTY interesting that Mr. P and/or Mr. D and/or Mr. D-like P. is being referred to, by goodness-only-knows-whom, as a "Dude," on his personal, hip, hipster-loving, site-gone-blog.
Mere coincidence? I think not.
It's Mr. D.
First name Fourth. Last name Dwarf. Yes, I have a middle name. No, I'm not going to tell you what it is.
And I think even those close to me will agree, I'm no dude.
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