Fourth Dwarf on Facebook
posted by Aggie
When I first heard about Facebook, I assumed it was the devil's tool. I still think it may be. 4th Dwarf announced last evening that he is a proud Facebook user and that he has lots of "friends", including an ex who solicited him to be her "friend" moments after his setting up the account.
I asked Dwarfie to explain what he does on Facebook and he said, "I talk to my friends." He seemed pleased with himself. He also talked about the "wall", and I never understood what this was all about. Writing on the wall? Everyone sees the writing on the wall? I don't get it.
Dwarfie was particularly proud of his Facebook photo which he said was very flattering. Congratulations to 4th Dwarf for being the most technologically advanced Irregular!
Did I say I talk to my friends? That's is not strickly true.
When friends ask me to confirm that I am their friend, I do so, and I type in how I know them.
(E.g. "We worked the same shift down the Springhill No. 4 on the coal face")
Short Stuff is the most techno-illogically advanced? But how can that be? I have the pressure cooker...!
My Facebook Index:
Days I have been on Facebook: 7
Number of "Friends" on Facebook: 10
Number of "Friends" who gave me a lukewarm greeting when they passed me on Elgin Street today: 1
Number of upcoming parties that I am not invited to that I've learned about on Facebook that are thrown by someone who gets invited to my parties: 1
Number of "Friends" who have a naked picture of themselves on Facebook: 1
Number of "Friends" who have comments on their "wall" about them getting naked: 2
Number of "Friends" who are ex-girlfriends: 1
Eesh, I hope the ex-girlfriend "Friend" is a different 1 from the 1 with naked pictures.
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