Canada Post: still packin' mojo
posted by coyote
Yup. When you're a crown corporation with a business model that is:
- aging less than gracefully;
- getting whacked mercilessly by the intertubes;
- stumbling toward long-term decline;
- hated by current government with an ideo-illogic verging on insanity;
...Nuthin' says "We're totally ready to face all that down and get on with the whole 21st century thing" like, ummm, repainting all the mailboxes...

I thought it was an anti-graffiti strategy and a fairly good one. The amount of time and effort that would go into removing tags from the plain boxes is saved by the facelift.
Depends on whether you happen to favour corporate graffiti over freelance, ma'am...
Off topic, but I saw this and thought of the ESIs. It's so....meta.
Cool find, Zoom.
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