Confession - Part II
posted by Woodsy
Phew, that feels better.
If this had been a contest, Zoom would have won!
. . .do not exist. . .
Phew, that feels better.
If this had been a contest, Zoom would have won!
Oh thank GOD, for a second there I thought you were a crocheter!
Woodsy, are you a REAL knitter, or a just a wannabe? Perhaps you could start your own side-blog in addition to being a full-fledged ESI?
Aggie, I am a real knitter, but don't worry... I will make sure any knitting posts are ESI appropriate - they will have a sexual, political, SRW, or metablogging, subtex. I won't do it often... I promise!
I used to be a crocheter Zoom, but I reformed...
I'm on a roller coaster here!
Woodsy had been looking like someone who could add to our blog's appeal. She started off with a couple of guaranteed hit generators - flirtation and addiction.
But then she has a confession to make.
Is she going to reveal that she has some secret world-saving project that will take her away from blogging?
Or worse that she is about to go down a life path that will put us in a blog ghetto?
No, she's a knitter!
Well, hallelujah! I shouted. Now we've got a chance at the Bloggies.
I suddenly understood why Aggie put "invite Woodsy to join" on the agenda for the last Emergency Meeting.
But now Aggie seems to be suggesting that Woodsy get her own blog.
Aggie, what is wrong with you? I know Coyote and the Chair are comfortable with our obscurity, but I thought you wanted us to make the big time.
Dwarfie, shhhhh... Zoom might be reading this... we have to keep our evil plan to take over the blogosphere a secret! First you and Coyote brought over the kitty bloggers, then I bring over the knitters...
I'm just trying to clarify what kind of Woodsy is. I see marbles. I see purple needles. I see some kind of goth scarf she's working on...I just want to make sure she's not going to alienate the hardcore, baby cardigan-knitting crowd.
What kind of KNITTER Woodsy is, that is.
I once offended a crocheter by referring to something she made as knitting... as you can tell I'm knot a knitter knor a crocheter
If you really want to offend a crocheter, try calling her a hooker.
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