
Bringing down Somerset House

Demolition crews crunched down about ten per cent of Somerset House today. CBC says it's an attempt to gain engineers and repair crews access. Depending on provincial and city officials' assessments, they could soon begin foundation repairs that may save the rest of the building. Or not.

Unfortunately, for the street vista, work centred on the building's easternmost wall, decorated with an iconic mural depicting what street life in Ottawa may have been like around the time it was built. The old gal didn't give up easily -- one bystander said the big shovel 'could only break off about seven bricks at a grab'. After the first shots were done, the engineer went up in a manlift to take a look at the situation, then ordered a little more crunching. Being suspended by crane was the only safe way for him to check the building, apparently. There was a lot of 'hurry up and wait' while it happened.

Nevertheless, there were a buncha rubberneckers, watching a fair storm of brick and masonry dust flying around at times. And one coyote. Who still has a lot of antique brick dust in his coat...


zoom said...

Great shots Coyote! Tomorrow we should all go down and chain ourselves to the mural.

Anonymous said...

Excellent pics.

coyote said...

Zoom: Umm, go ahead. I'll watch. That wall actually may still have been stable before they started assing with it, but since yesterday's antics, I'm not so sure anymore...

robin: Thanks.