
Has the Fifth Muse resurfaced?

If she has, she has a new passion in her life besides R.



The Chair said...

Maybe "R" meant "rodent" in all those posts. But rodent-like behaviour was more becoming of M than R, from what I remember.

evolver said...

People used to raise chinchillas in the hopes of making fur coats. But I can't believe in this heat I just said the words "fur coats."

4th Dwarf said...

E-man! The fur coat angle occurred to me too!

First, I thought, two are surely not enough for more than a pair of ear muffs, but then, I realized, maybe Musie has a breeding pair!

Or perhaps she's planning to acquire 99 more a la Cruella De Vil!

coyote said...

Chinchillas? How disappointing that would be. More discerning coyotes everywhere hate chinchillas. All that fluff, and barely a decent mouthful...

4th Dwarf said...

Yes, Coyote, but what would you say if someone else was prepared to peel them for you?

4th Dwarf said...

... and, BlogAdmin, the Orphans' Home photo brought a tear to my eye... memories of my days there.

Of course, I was off in the army in '18, a lad had to make his own way back then. But there were worse places for a motherless child to wind up than Elgin Street.