The Man in Spats
posted by 4th Dwarf
Lots of material to comment on in Today's post from 5M.
First, the carrot cake. I certainly hope for her sake that her fresh cake beats a 5-day-old store bought cake.
Second, her eyes. Let's all cross our fingers for her. Or send some positive energy her way, Conchie and Aggie, you're good at that sort of thing. And you, Coyote, maybe a special howl tonight. Finally, the Margaret Atwood story of the man with "an elegant moustache and beard, the moustache waxed and curled upward at the ends". Do you suppose that's a thinly-veiled allusion to the lcp? He was advising her on her work. Do you suppose that sometime in the past while he might have said some negative things about her prose or poetry? He doesn't seem to be above hurtful comments as it seemed on Friday that he made some sort of remark about someone calling her "crazy".
The lcp may be the veiled reference; however, I don't think 5M is giving much thought to him these days. I'm guessing his legacy is a mere footnote in the 5M story. More bluntly, in the jargon of french language trained public servants: he's "passez-composer".
M, on the other hand, seems to be no less written off. I mean, really, home made vs. store bought cakes competition with this "S" chick.
How long before another shower curtain gets busted? Days? Hours? Are they already at IKEA buying another one?
Maybe the eye surgery will give her some new vision of herself. We can only hope.
Forgot to say how good it was to hear from Conchie.
Keeping my fingers crossed about those northern waters too.
The north, like the west -- my spiritual hangout -- is fraught with dark symbolism. I could point you to books full of that kinda stuff. I wish you good speed, Conch Shell!
Re: 5M. Her error-riddled transcription of Lady Oracle suggests her vision's shot to shit already. And what's all this lolling about with M, on the flimsy excuse of a week-long birthday extravaganza? Two weeks ago they're at all but fistfights whilst tailgating on the 401, last week they're snarling imprecations at each other while opening M's cottage -- O, pleasant voyage -- then she confides to Minty that she likes being with M "because it's... comfortable".
Now, generally I'm the one who messes with people's heads. Rational thought is not really a coyote trademark, which makes it all the more fun. But I must say that the (il)logical inconsistency of this arrangement has my skull spinning like a vintage wind charger in Chinook season.
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