
Pay equity. . . ?

It has come to our notice that today is International Women's Day.

It also occurs that, what with this being the day we must prostrate ourselves before myriad electronic devices in frogmarched obeisance to the ridiculous concept of Daylight Saving Time, International Women's Day this year is only 23 hours long.

That these devices hold in common only a wildly divergent buncha crappy user interfaces that are not claw or paw-friendly, I might splenetically add, is merely my trademark digression. Hah. Got that dealt with...

Anyway. Since most of the women ESIs seem to have been otherwise indisposed for some months... OK, OK, some years... I guess it remains to us decidedly male-ish semimythical coyotes to furrow our furry brows and ponder whether this irony is, perhaps, some kinda cosmic editorial comment on the long standing and continuing lack of parity between women's wages and men's, or maybe a slam on the way women generally get short-changed when they have to pay more for their shirts, haircuts, dry cleaning and dog knows what-all else...

Just sayin'...

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