
Driver, follow that canoe!

It's time for some fresh ideas to make Ottawa the great city it can be but rarely is. The Research Director and Painted Stick came up with two molto buono proposals the other night. I just sat, listened and announced I would steal them for the blog.

Here is the first, courtesy of P.S.: A water taxi on the Rideau Canal. Other cities we love -- Chicago and Venice, to name just two, have 'em. Why not Ottawa?

All those folks who skate downtown to work from the Glebe during the six weeks the canal is actually frozen would no doubt enjoy taking the O-town vaporetto down our Unesco-worthy waterway the rest of the year. It could stop at all the little skateway entry points. We could even have "articulated" water taxis to negotiate those curves and make OCTranspo passengers feel at home.



Wandering Coyote said...

West Nile Virus risk alone makes this not worth it. Unless the boat were filled with politicians.

coyote said...

Hey, we could call it the Vaporett-O!

If we were really thinkin', we'd put washrooms on board. Then people looking for a low-altitude version of the Mile High Club would have options...

And Other Coyote, the risk of West Nile from riding a canal boat is not so much. Especially since Ottawa is built on one giant swamp, anyway.

Aggie said...

Is it really Thursday already? That is what the blog is telling me.
I LOVE the canal idea. That would be a great start in making Ottawa excellent.

The Independent Observer said...

Glad you like the idea, Aggie. It is Thursday where Cedric and I are.

Also glad you respective Coyotes are working out the details of this city-changing proposal.

Woodsy said...

Oh, imagine the seafaring water-taxi driver stories I could pick up while crusing down the Canal...

coyote said...

Pirates, the lot of them...