Retirement options for a ruined world
Some elderly Japanese people are providing a second late-life alternative
for those who will need to endure the coming decades of societal breakdown.
2 days ago
Beurk! as the French say....
Even though this is a foodie event extraordinaire, I can still find something to complain about with it purely because it occurs in Ottawa: it was expensive! Good, but expensive!
it's so delicious. My mouth waters just looking at that picture and it's only 6am!
I'm on the beurk bandwagon with Aggie. To me, this event is akin to the firearms show. I might still go, but I'd be horrified
Drool, drool, drool...
Why coyote, where's your comment? Or are you still ingesting all those ribs? :)
IO: "Ottawa's so-called pedestrian mall"...? IO, Sparks Street is nothing if not pedestrian...
TWFKAH: I'm currently chasin' bigger, more delicious BBQ fodder than cows, ma'am...
"Sparks Street is nothing if not pedestrian"
Too true!
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