Judo instructors recognized
I had to stop going because I kept bruising my ribs and injuring my joints,
but the Hart House Judo Club is pretty great — especially when you consider
1 day ago
i love the colour combination!
Me too. and the jewellery.
I want more mesh!!!!
And isn't that tank in the background a Valentine?
Very nice.
Is there a place on this blog where one can comment on the header tagline or the sidebar cam?
Zoom, you can comment anywhere on this blog on the tagline and the sidebar, but in my experience, my comments and suggestions on those things are given less attention than the Mayor gives your comments about City affairs.
I just wanted to say that whoever comes up with the taglines and sidebar cam content is a genius. Or two geniuses.
J. Thank you...
Nursemyra, Thank you too. I will blog about that piece of jewelry sometime. First I have to do some research to confirm what I was told about it - it is quite old.
Zoom, what Dwarfie said...
Dwarfie, you are correct. And does anyone (other then Dwarfie) know why it is called a Valentine?
Zoom, please do not encourage them. (Yes, there are more than one.)
Oh, Dwarfie, they are geniuses. Zoom, do not be discouraged from encouraging the genius content on this blog!
Aggie, there will be more mesh!
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