Carney on the carbon bubble and stranded assets
By some measures, based on science, the scale of the energy revolution
required is staggering. If we had started in 2000, we could have hit the
1.5°C objec...
1 day ago
And just in time for American Thanksgiving...
haha.. good one Zoom
You know when we talked about the cat... I had no idea he was THAT big. Wow. Nice tanks.
I also have a Tank Top Tuesday pic..
He's got a pretty sexy perch, too.
I love Duncan in that salmon tank!
Zoom, I know you are small but still, that is one great big cat!
Are you saying this tank top makes me look fat?
You're just fluffy, that's all. Besides, everybody knows the camera adds ten pounds.
Fluffy. Yeah. That's it.
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