
RNDP 2: Hooking Up?

Google's next hit in our quest for a Revolutionary New Dating Paradigm (RNDP) is an article called Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause : Editorial: the new sex in ... Although we cannot see the article because it is behind a pay wall, Google tells us that it says:

The new dating paradigm is to get together casually, called “hooking up,” a term that defines a lack of commitment or expectations other than sex and ...

4d Analysis: Unfortunately, I blew my research funds on a bottle of tequila and couldn't afford to buy this article. They might be on to something, but isn't "hooking up" what fuck buddies did in the 80s and what free-love hippies did in the 60s? In other words, not new?


Anonymous said...

I think this has also been called friends with benefits.

XUP said...

Hooking up/FWB seems to be a lot more complicated than just fucking around used to be in the old days. I think once you have catchy names for stuff it adds dimensions that totally mess up the concept

Anonymous said...

In my experience, FWB/hooking up always worked better in theory than in practice. But regardless, not only is it not new, it's not even dating. (In fact, the best thing it's got going for it is that it lets you bypass dating altogether.)

4th Dwarf said...

Anonymous, thank you. I don't know how I overlooked Friends with Benefits.

XUP: Fucking around has always been complicated. Doesn't matter what it's called.

Zoom: You're absolutely right. Hooking up is not new and it's not dating. (Except when it is, but that's what makes it complicated.)